The operator is the driver - split hub technology in use

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The team

Bild eines Moderators

Michael Brüning


Bild eines Moderators

Joachim Hofstede


Bild eines Moderators

Luise Lanze


Bild eines Moderators

Timon Fabarius


November 12, 2020 Tomas Mordasas

Good information for selecting right couplings in pump industry.

December 14, 2021 Harald Tobies

Funktionales Webinar-Tool, Moderation und Vortrag stimmig, Inhalt gut und verständlich dargestellt.

February 11, 2022 VANSUYPEENE David

Vielen Dank für diese sehr umfassende und dokumentierte Produktinformation.

The operator is the driver - split hub technology in use

Discover our products and customised solutions in the world of coupling technology together with our experts! Our split hubs - ROFLEX, ROTEX and REVOLEX - set standards in terms of technology and adaptability.

What can you expect?

- Experience report by Timon Fabarius live from Santiago de Chile (General Manager KTR Systems Chile SpA): Start your journey with an inspiring insight into the application of our products under extreme conditions.

- Technical insights from Michael Brüning live from Rheine (Product Manager): Learn more about the technical details of our torsionally flexible claw couplings, fail-safe shaft couplings and flexible pin couplings.

- Practical application examples: See how our coupling solutions are used.

- Interactive dialogue: Ask our experts your questions and discuss trends and technologies with us.

Who should attend?

This webinar is aimed at professionals from the mechanical engineering and drive technology industry who are looking for advanced and reliable coupling solutions.

Register now and secure your place!

Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this exciting event. Register now and find out how "The operator as driver" influences the development of our products.

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